バガン在住/1973 バガン生まれ
現在: ミャンマーバガンの漆芸技術大学講師として後進の指導にあたっている。
Resides: Bagan, Myanmar/Born: 1973, Bagan, Myanmar
Current: Teacher, Lacquerware Technology College, Bagan, Myanmar
I was born in Bagan, which is the most important lacquerware center in Myanmar. I became interested in lacquer as when I was young. After high school, I studied "kinma" technique as an apprentice under a teacher. After that I became a teacher at the Lacquerware Technology College. There, I learned more about lacquer and lacquerware. In 2006, I had the opportunity to study lacquer artistry for 18 months at Tokyo University of the Arts. Now, I am now interested in further exploring the possibilities of lacquer art.